
You're Never Too Young To Start

Bill is someone who knows about older adult problems and falling is one of them.  The key to preventing a fall is to start exercising early on in life. It’s never too late to start learning how to avoid a fall.

Barbara Bush
Barbara Bush, former First Lady of the United States

More Than I Had Ever Dreamed

I have had the pleasure of working with Bill Case as my physical therapist for the past several months.  Bill has helped me physically in such a short period of time more that I had ever dreamed could happen.
Bill and his staff are so professional and caring and have made my physical therapy experience so rewarding.   The office is easily accessible, runs on time and has great equipment. Bill is a great teacher and healer.  Over the past months not only have I gotten better but I have witnessed many other patients greatly improve as well.
I feel blessed to have such a wonderful physical therapist.
Barbara Holdsworth

Start Now!

As one who worries about falling, I strongly urge people of all ages to watch this video. Barbara and I know Bill Case well, and there is no one who understands these issues better. Start now!

Former President George H.W. Bush
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    Like our Founder Bill Case, our passion with this website is to educate with preventative steps to eliminate those unnecessary falls and injuries in the older population. Along with specific exercises to help prevent falls, we are here to provide additional information about environmental risk factors as part of the overall fall prevention approach.

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