
BILL CASEMy name is Bill Case PT, and I am a physical therapist in Houston, TX.   I have been practicing physical therapy for over 30 years and I have a passion for helping seniors prevent falls.  I learned from my Dad, who is 90 years old and practiced physical therapy for over 64 years, that his advice to seniors is–“Motion is the key to a healthier lifestyle”.
Walking balance issues may be related to muscular weakness or inflexibility which results with pain when walking. I have seen the painful effects that poor posture and weak muscles can have on daily activities.  I know that pain affects walking, which affects strength and ultimately balance which can lead to falls.  Falls are not an inevitable result of aging.  It’s the lack of knowledge regarding the fall risk factors, which may lead to an unnecessary and preventable fall.
I organized with the City of Houston the first FALLS PREVENTION DAY with a proclamation to bring awareness to this important issue–Older Adult Falling.   The proclamation was followed by an event which included over 300 senior participants.  The event included Houston’s leading healthcare organizations to educate and offer resources to seniors to prevent falls.  Dance classes were available to show the variety of activities which seniors can participate to help strength, balance and posture.
Following this huge success, we have continued organizing an annual Falls Prevention Day in 2013, 2014 and look forward to 2015.  I recognized the need for activities and resources to the older population. The Falls Prevention Day has been an excellent venue to educate to the older population on how decrease falls and maintain an active and independent lifestyle.
Balancing your sexy golden years is a way to address a more productive and independent lifestyle through daily postural awareness and exercise. Daily exercises for your body, with or without resistance, helps improve blood flow to your muscles, oxygen to your lungs and lubrication for your joints.  It’s been my experience, that many people who start off with just 10 minutes a day of exercising, eventually increase the repetitions and frequency on their own.  The more you move each day, the better you feel.  The better you feel, the more you will move.  Truly, motion is lotion for your body and mind when you move.

My goal is to provide you with current fall prevention information and resources, as well as, offer a variety of exercises which will address either strength, flexibility, posture or balance every month.  Varying or changing your exercise routine frequently will stimulate additional muscles and joints, while energizing you with new movements.


Click on the video and enjoy exercising with your family or a friend while staying healthy and fit.

10 minutes a day of exercises to improve and maintain joint motion and an upright posture to prevent falls.  Other considerations to help avoiding falls are annual eye and medication checkups with your physician.  Daily walking even for 10-15 minutes is a great start to helping your posture, your balance and even bowel/bladder problems.

So, let’s get started and put the balance back into the sexy golden years.

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    Like our Founder Bill Case, our passion with this website is to educate with preventative steps to eliminate those unnecessary falls and injuries in the older population. Along with specific exercises to help prevent falls, we are here to provide additional information about environmental risk factors as part of the overall fall prevention approach.

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