Activities For Seniors – What To Do On A Typical Day

By Keep Fit and Moving Team | In Uncategorized | on January 14, 2014

Nowadays, there’s an unfortunate disconnection between adult people and younger age groups because they tend to look right through each other. More and more people believe that as adult people can’t put up with intense activities and them more inactive than in the past, they don’t have to be stimulated. The truth is that adult people are desperate for their loved ones’ attention. Let’s have a look at the things they can do to share some time together.

The date is important
It’s important to keep in mind that adult people tend to get up earlier than the rest of us mainly because they don’t need to sleep that much. Most adult people sleep between four and six hours on overage. Therefore, you should be ready to have them up at about six or seven in the morning. The most important thing is to offer them a substantial breakfast when they get up.

Don’t forget to welcome them in an amiable way and to ask someone to lay the table for you. A substantial breakfast should contain cereals, fruits, milk or coffee and a good glass of water. During breakfast, make sure the adult reads a schedule of the different activities available on that day so they can choose what to do.

You could help the adult person get prepared according to the activities for the day so you can give the person a hand with the shower, the outfit and any other thing they need to be ready. There are some adults who won’t accept your help for these activities but that’s normal so you can make sure they have everything they need such as the slippers or a towel. Remember that it is important to let adults be independent so they feel more confident with themselves.

A few physical exercises
Make sure you begin the day with an activity that allows adults to be stronger and to feel healthier. The most popular activities are golfing, going for a walk, swimming, going to the gym, going shopping to a close-by shopping centre and even weight lifting. Remember to go for activities that go with the adult person’s likings and the abilities as well. The workout period shouldn’t be longer than forty minutes, even when the adult thinks he can go on.

Stretching exercises are mandatory for no more than ten minutes in order to start a workout session. Once the session is over make sure the adult spends some time stretching too. Don’t forget to take some water with you so that the adult person can hydrate during the session. It’s important to say that they have a tendency to lose more liquid than young people; therefore you should be especially ready during the summer. If you note the adult person is feeling pain or discomfort with the exercise, then it’s time to stop and find out what the problem is.

Give them something entertaining
Adult people really enjoy having little things that can provide them with entertainment on boring days. There are lots of devices and things you can get for adults that will help them be mentally active and entertained including books, a knitting set, puzzles, paints and even cards. Make sure the adult person is with you when you buy the entertaining things so that they can choose the ones they really want to have. Another good thing to do is ask adult people about the kinds of things they did in the past and with that information it will be easier for you to find something they really like.

Make sure they are safe
You need to make certain that the adult person is really safe at the moment of doing some activities. If you note it is too hot, try to give them a parasol, a hat and tinted glasses. If it’s too cold, then get a pair of gloves, a warm coat and a comfortable pair of boots. Look after adult people from possible perils, especially while they are exercising at home or on the outdoors. Try to be with the adult person in order to help him or her if necessary and make sure you have an emergency set ready in case anything happens.

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    Like our Founder Bill Case, our passion with this website is to educate with preventative steps to eliminate those unnecessary falls and injuries in the older population. Along with specific exercises to help prevent falls, we are here to provide additional information about environmental risk factors as part of the overall fall prevention approach.

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    16 Comments to "Activities For Seniors – What To Do On A Typical Day"

    • oraclemay says:

      June 6, 2014 at 12:36 am -

      This is a great reminder to everyone who has older people in their lives – we just don’t think about the practical side of things. This gives us a look inside and gives us opportunity to do something for the elderly that we hope will be done for us.

    • kate86 says:

      June 10, 2014 at 4:26 am -

      This has some good ideas for what to do on a typical day. I like the ideas of puzzles and cards. My grandfather loved to use the computer, so I think it’s also worth a shot to try to teach an elderly relative how to use the computer, if they don’t know how and are willing. I am currently in the process of trying to help my dad learn, he’s not doing so well, but when my Grandpa tried, he took to it very well, so you don’t know until you try! The internet has so much to do it’s a great thing for older people.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:35 am -

      Check and see that the sockets of your elderly loved ones are not overloaded as this can be a fire hazard. You should add a bar adapter on a lead if there are not enough sockets. Appliances that use a lot of electricity should be fitted in a socket alone, such as a fridge or washing machine.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:39 am -

      Does your parent have worn out or fraying carpets that they might trip over? Replacing carpets, or using double-sided carpet tape, will help prevent them slipping. Loose rugs and mats can be a serious trip hazard and should be avoided if possible. There is nothing as awful as an elderly person falling and getting a broken arm. This can be very painful and incapacitates them.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:43 am -

      Do they have good lighting? Good lighting is particularly important on the stairs, where it can help prevent trips and falls. Make sure that light bulbs are bright and come on straight away. Does your parent have an easy-to-read list of emergency phone numbers beside each phone? Make a list for your parent with details of important contacts, such as the doctor, close friends, relatives and anyone else you think may be useful.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:44 am -

      Do they have a carbon-monoxide detector and a smoke alarm? Carbon monoxide is known as a ‘silent killer’ because you can’t see, taste or smell it. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning can be similar to cold, flu or food-poisoning symptoms – headache, feeling sick, sore throat and dry cough. Heaters that burn gas, coal, oil or wood can give off carbon monoxide if they are not working properly. Smoke detectors are essential in case of fire, or even as an alert when something has been inadvertently left in the oven in the kitchen. Your aging parent should have their gas appliances checked annually

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:46 am -

      Do they check who is at the door? Make sure they have a chain on the door and that they keep it on when they are at home and use it when callers come. They should ask any callers for ID and if in doubt, ask them to leave. If they are suspicious of a caller, they should dial 999 and ask for the police.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:49 am -

      Do their slippers fit properly? Worn out, or badly fitting slippers can increase the risk of tripping and falling. They should be careful when wearing any long, loose-fitting clothing in case they trip on these, particularly when climbing stairs. Speak to them about their clothing and slippers.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:51 am -

      Do they have a letterbox cage? This can save your elderly relative having to stoop to pick up your post. It can also stop papers being spread across the floor, which could cause them to slip. If they do not, you should get them one and have it fitted. This can help avoid an accident.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 12:55 am -

      Make sure front and back doors have strong dead bolt locks.
      Post emergency numbers and your address by each telephone and add to your cell phone.
      Set the thermostat of the water heater at 120 degrees F or lower to prevent accidental scalding.
      As a reminder to keep the smoke alarm working, change the batteries on your birthday.
      Keep a lamp or flashlight and telephone within reach of your bed.
      Make sure handrails are sturdy and securely fastened at all times.

    • oraclemay says:

      June 17, 2014 at 1:00 am -

      Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are installed and in working order. (One idea to help you remember to change the batteries is to replace them on your birthday.)
      Assisted listening devices are used for small room amplification, personal listening and TV listening.
      Inside and outside door handles and locks are easy to operate.
      Door handles are lever-action instead of round knobs.
      Door thresholds have been removed or are low and beveled.
      Windows are easily opened from the inside but have secure locks that can prevent someone from entering from the outside.
      There is an emergency exit. You can add an escape route through portable ladders or chutes.

    • jmdecaro says:

      June 26, 2014 at 4:14 pm -

      This article has some really great ideas. Going for a simple walk outside or a light round of golf can really benefit everyone. Stretching is so important though, I’m glad you stressed that in the article!

    • theshaynee says:

      June 26, 2014 at 10:53 pm -

      I like this a lot. It’s great for keeping their mind active as well as their body. Anything that involves both is so, so beneficial. But it’s hard to find activities that are like that. So this list is very helpful. I would love to see more posts like this.

    • Diane says:

      July 24, 2015 at 9:01 pm -

      Not everyone needs quite this much attention and monitoring, so it’s important to remember to treat older adults as adults, not children, which is disrespectful. Many older adults cut back on activities because they’ve lost loved ones, and may not have as much companionship as they’ve been used to in the past.

      It’s good to remember to stop by, if you’re not living in the same home, and check on your loved ones. Rather than going right inside and sitting down for a snack or coffee or tea, why not suggest a walk, a visit to a neighbor or perhaps a little gardening? Fresh air can be a wonderful mood enhancer, and those pleasant feelings can increase the likeliness that the person will want to repeat the activity another time.

      As @KATE86 mentioned above, some older people take right to the computer, and this can open up a new world, particularly to one who has lost most of his/her peers and companions. It’s a great way to try out new things, since there are an abundance of tutorials available, as well as actual classes, if they’re interested in extensive learning on a new topic or renewed interest.

    • GemmaRowlands says:

      July 29, 2015 at 10:18 am -

      Starting with a great breakfast is definitely a great thing to do, as it means that not only is the body ready to start the day, but also the mind. In addition, a little bit of exercise first thing can really wake people up and leave them ready to face whatever the day has ahead. It is good to have a list of exercises that are easy to do, as this means that it is much more likely that you will get something done during the day – as having a list to refer to makes things much easier than just randomly deciding to exercise “when you feel like it”. With exercise, you really can make a very positive change in your life.

    • Tipes99 says:

      August 19, 2015 at 5:02 pm -

      You are right when you said that they get up early! My grandmother is up before the sun is up, but she said she doesn’t get out of bed because there is nothing to do. I’m gonna change that! We’ll make breakfast together from now on and then I’m going to look into what activities we can do together other than gardening. I think it should become a routine, that way their body will be use to it and won’t get hurt. I really like how simple this article is, but it has a powerful message at the same time. 🙂

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